速報APP / 娛樂 / Dragon Brush

Dragon Brush



檔案大小:556.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dragon Brush(圖1)-速報App

"'Dragon Brush' captivates kids with a fascinating story filled with its unique drawings-become-real mechanic, making it one of the top book apps in iTunes." —USA Today

"With its distinctive look, a great drawing element that's actually appropriate to the story and a moral that values cleverness over power, Bing-Wen's app is as rare and magical as the dragons he loves to paint." —Kirkus Reviews

"Dragon Brush deserves a spot on every family’s digital book shelf. This colorful app will be read and re-read by parents and children alike." —PadGadget.com

Winner of the 2013 Communication Arts Interactive Annual Award

Winner of the 2012 Cybils Award for Best Book App

Dragon Brush(圖2)-速報App

Featured in iPad Apps for Kids for Dummies by Jinny Gudmundsen

Dragon Brush is a beautiful and engaging storybook app based on a traditional Chinese folktale, featuring narration and music from members of the acclaimed band The National!

Brought to you by the award-winning Small Planet Digital, Dragon Brush was created by John Solimine and Andy Hullinger.

Follow the irresistible adventures of Bing-Wen, a young boy who loves to paint. When given a magical brush that makes drawings come to life, Bing-Wen must use his art and his wits to outsmart the greedy Emperor.

Readers can:

Dragon Brush(圖3)-速報App

*Help Bing-Wen’s drawings come magically to life

*Create their own drawings with Dragon Paint

*Find special ink pots in the story and add them to Dragaon Paint

*Discover interactive elements and tap, swipe, or tilt on every page

Featuring narration by Matt Berninger and music by Aaron Dessner and Bryce Dessner, members of the critically acclaimed band, The National.

Dragon Brush(圖4)-速報App

Brought to life with gorgeous Retina-quality illustrations by John Solimine of Spike Press, Dragon Brush will engage, inspire, and delight!

Follow @smallplanetapps for app updates and other news.

For Dragon Brush support please email info@smallplanet.com.

Dragon Brush(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, iMessage